Thursday, 23 July 2015

Cover Reveal: Superhero Street by Phil Earle, illustrated by Sara Ogilvie

As MASSIVE fans of Phil Earle's Demolition Dad, we're thrilled to be able to reveal the cover to his next MG book, Superhero Street!

SUPERHERO STREET by Phil Earle, illustrated by Sara Ogilvie
Coming FEB 2016!

'Superheroes are where it all started for me. Comics were my salvation when it came to reading.
I felt too thick to ever pick up a normal book. And anyway, where was the fun in that? Where were the pictures?
So what better thing to write about than a ten year old boy, who wants more than anything to be a superhero, despite being devoid of any powers whatsoever.
You could say it’s ‘Kickass for kids,’ but in all honesty it’s just me, indulging every superhero fantasy I ever had, and to have it brought to life by Sara Ogilvie’s illustrations?
Well, finally, I feel like Superman. And Batman. and Daredevil. and The Hulk. All rolled into one.'
Phil Earle

Mouse is desperate to be a superhero.
To find that power that will make him stand out in the crowd.
But his every attempt ends in failure. He can't even get any attention at home as his five brothers (triplets AND twins) take every second of mum and dad's attention.
When mum foils a bank robbery while on duty as a lollipop lady, she and Mouse are lauded as superheroes. Joining forces with Mouse are The Z List - a group of unlikely crime-fighters. But in their midst is a traitor hell-bent on revenge.
Will Mouse be super enough to spot this danger, and is he brave enough to do anything about it?

The laugh-out-loud new novel from award-winning author of DEMOLITION DAD, Phil Earle.

'Phil "BOOKCRUSHER" Earle has written one, funny, fabulous, pile driving BLAST of a book. (Read it in Lycra for full wrestling experience.)' - Liz Pichon

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